Masuk Daftar

menghilang dengan berangsur2 bahasa Inggris

  • menghilang:    die away; died away; diing away; disappeared;
  • dengan:    by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
  • menghilang dg berangsur2:    rusting away
  • menghilang:    die away; died away; diing away; disappeared; disappearing; dropped away; dropping away; fade out; faded out; fading out; into the blue; wear off; wore off; worn off; disappear; dive; lift; pull awa
  • akan menghilang:    be going to go away
  • menghilang lenyap:    disappear; fade; fade away; make off; beat it; waste; scarper; slink; decamp; go; push off; perish; go around; vanish; forfeit
  • mengalir lalu menghilang:    flow away; flowed away; drain
  • menghilang dg berangsur:    rust away
  • obat menghilang rambut:    depilatory
  • dengan:    by; by taking; given; given the; given this; with; on; take; aboard; past; to; aside; amongst; at; alongside; in the manner of; accompanying; use; away; and; instrument; together; by way of; do with
  • dengan jelas/dengan nyata:    conspicuously; distinctly; noticeably
  • bahwa dengan:    that given the
  • balas dengan:    respond with
  • bandingkan dengan:    compared with
  • bekerjasama dengan:    in collaboration with; play along with; played along with; playing along with; working with